Peiople like to be scared. They love reading horror stories and watching horror movies. Some of the most famous horror stories were written by British writers. the first was published by Mary Shalley in 1919 - FRANKINSTEIN. One of them put two great horror characters together when Frankenstein met Count Dracula. dracula contra Frankenstein was made by the Spanish director Jesús Franco in 1970. Count DRACULA was a vampire crated in 1897 by the Irish writer Bram Stoker .
Bram got the idea from for Dracula while he was sitting in highgate Cementery in North london. Sunlight fell on a crack in the lid tomb. SToker wondered what wold happen if the light woke up the dead body in the tumb . Count Dracula the vampire was created.
Dracula is so popopular that visitors in london can go on a guided Dracula tour. The tours usually take place just when it's getting darck ...

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